Chorus Members
One of New England’s preeminent choruses, Musica Sacra has been praised as “a splendid ensemble” by the Boston Globe and “jaw-droppingly good” by The Boston Musical Intelligencer
2024-2025 Chorus Roster
* = Section Leader
** = On Leave
- Lisa Cacciabaudo
- Alexandra Conza
- **Maria da Costa
- Lorraine Fryer
- Sydney Kagan
- Chase Macpherson
- Julia Regier
- * Katie Von Kohorn
- Myfanwy Callahan
- **Melissa Kline Struhl
- **Susan Kuo
- * Sarah Matthews
- Jennifer McLean
- Mackenzie Stratton
- Harris Fiering
- David Halstead
- Oliver Kisielius
- Brian Middleton
- * Bjorn Poonen
- **Victor Quintas
- Terry Halco
- Nick Kochan
- Terry Halco
- **Dan LePage
- * Ian McGullam
- Paul Ogilby
Accompanist and Assistant Conductor
- Terry Halco
ATTENTION MEMBERS: If you would like to pay your dues or make a payment to Musica Sacra for another purpose, please use the Member Payments page.